4 cameras.
Software: Premiere CC.
Vise & the Coconuts are:
Alberto Visentin | guitar and voice
Cocco Marinoni | bass
Luca Brighi | voice
Roberto Buttignol | drums
Rob Daz | trumpet
Steve Salmaso | sax
Recorded at Med Conegliano | Italy | by Riccardo Dondi
Camera Operators | Andrea D'Altoè
Gary & Giulio Drenik
Dani De Zan
Editing Video | Andrea D'Altoè | http://andreadaltoe.blogspot.it/
Studio | WABi lab | laboratori creativi | http://www.wabilab.com/
Mix & Mastering by Cocco Marinoni at Rollin' Studio's
FB Vise&TheCoconuts https://www.facebook.com/viseandthecoconutsband?ref=ts&fref=ts
Med Conegliano https://www.facebook.com/medconegliano?fref=ts
Vise and the Coconuts | Live Session | STEVIE WONDER | Jesus children of America from Andrea D'Altoè on Vimeo.

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